Helping Food-Insecure Iowans
One out of every 8 Iowans is food insecure. With our long history of producing sustainably-grown produce, WCI is in a unique position to help meet this critical need. We set aside one acre of garden production at the Wallace Farm to grow sweet potatoes and donate each year’s harvest to area food banks and food pantries. Sweet potatoes are nutritious, easy to prepare, store well, and a common food in many cultures.
Our “Garden for Good” helps food-insecure Iowans access more locally-grown produce and eat more healthfully. The Meyocks Group in West Des Moines has committed to sponsoring the Garden with a gift of $4,000. If you’d like to financially support this effort, contact Ann or make a direct contribution through our Donate page. Potential planting or harvest volunteers can contact Amy at the Wallace Farm. Thank you!
at the W
“This is one of my favorite outdoor experiences of the entire year. Always I am moved by the hours of labor that staff and volunteers devote to this project from planting, covering, weeding, watering, harvesting and sorting to storing and loading the full crates of potatoes.”–Cath Olesen, volunteer

Lead Sponsor

This amazing drone footage captures great views of the Garden for Good and the hard work from our friends at Meyocks during spring sweet potato planting.
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