Share your time and skills
The Wallace Centers of Iowa could not be successful without the skills and talents of its many volunteers. Short-term and continuing positions are available to match your interests and availability. If you’re interested in volunteering at the Wallace Farm, please email Deb Houghtaling. If you’d like to help out at the Wallace House, please email Emily Welch-Smith. Here are examples of some of our great volunteers:

Harvesting for Good
Ag education students from West Central Valley High School worked hard to harvest about half of the 8,022 pounds of sweet potatoes from our first Garden for Good. The crop was donated to the Food Bank of Iowa to help food-insecure families across Iowa. More volunteers are needed to garden and maintain the two historic locations. If you have maintenance, grounds-keeping or gardening skills, WCI might be a good fit for you.

Mailing Moms
These women get things done! They can fold, stuff and stamp hundreds of envelopes in a morning, and all they ask for is good coffee and a baked treat. We couldn’t do without them.
Farm Credit Services
Staff from the Perry, Iowa office of Farm Credit Services of America spent a beautiful fall Friday volunteering at the Wallace Farm. They cleaned and sorted about 500 POUNDS of garlic and brought a very generous donation. They must really like garlic because they’ve volunteered for several years.