Generous Community Support

Event Support
MidAmerican Energy is our lead sponsors for another full season of “Pizza on the Prairie”–a family-friendly event at the Wallace Farm. Freshly-made pizza packed with straight-from-the-farm veggies, accompanied by beverages, sides and desserts, live music and the Prairie Art Exhibit is a great way to spend a summer evening. Offered each Friday night beginning in June to late September/early October.

Wallace House Improvements
With a Community Development grant from the Polk County Board of Supervisors and a Sustainability grant from Wells Fargo, WCI completed some major improvements at the Wallace House in 2022 & 2023. Two HVAC systems, the main and kitchen addition roofs and the ADA entrance/deck, all 30+ years old, were replaced by local contractors. All of the gutters and downspouts were replaced and an additional downspout added to better handle heavy rainwater from frequent storms.

Sweet Volunteers
The Meyocks Group of West Des Moines is supporting the Garden for Good with a $4,000 gift and lending their assistance in the planting and harvesting phases. WCI sets aside one acre of ground each year towards growing sweet potatoes. The crop goes to area food banks and food rescue organizations such as the Food Bank of Iowa, DMARC and Eat Greater Des Moines.